Established in 2011 in a prime location in Roswell GA as a day care for babies.This is considered a high-end service as they only care for 8 babies a day. Tuition is over $80 per day per child. Revenue in 2016 was $142,000 and the owner who lives in San Diego had discretionary income of about $40,000 to $45,000 as an absentee owner. They are open 5 days a week from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. If an owner/operator bought the business they could add approximately $20,000 in salary. There is room to handle as many as 12 or 16 babies per day. You would add more staff to cover the 1 to 4 ratio that this baby care’s model employs.
We are asking $135,000. The owner is willing to do a little owner financing perhaps 20%. Status:
For Sale, Contact: Matt Wochele, CBi C# 404-863-2200